Environmental LED Light Bulbs 2014

Reversing the effects of global warming and saving the planet may seem like an insurmountable task. However, if everyone were to do their part, the problem would appear smaller. Fortunately, there are easy ways to go green in your home that don’t require huge changes. Simply altering your existing habits will make you a better steward to the environment and save you money on utility bills.

Change Your Light Bulbs to Get Environmental

Light​ bulbs are a small necessity that you generally only think about when you have to replace them. Purchase compact fluorescent light​ bulbs instead of incandescent ones. CFLs last 10 times longer than their incandescent counterparts and use one third the amount of energy. Though they cost a dollar or two more up front, your energy bills will be well worth it. Plus, you don’t have to buy as many CFLs as incandescent light bulbs. Some homeowners don’t like the cold light that CFLs produce, but that’s an easy fix. Avoid white lampshades as they increase the cold feel that florescent bulbs create. Buy cream or amber shades instead because they will filter the light to be the same soft yellow that incandescent bulbs produce.

Buy Recycled Goods to Go Green

More and more products are being made using recycled materials. Purchase these rather than buying new items. You can find recycled shampoo and conditioner bottles, coffee thermoses, paper products, kitchen items and more. Buying goods from thrift stores are another way to recycle. Why spend your hard-earned money on a brand new lamp when you can avoid waste by purchasing a used one? Buy the items you need at resale shops to avoid filling landfills.

Recycle to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Provide the materials used to make the items you now buy by recycling. Not only can you recycle paper and plastic, but you can do the same with electronics. Visit sites that help you find electronic recycling locations in your area. Tossing plastic bottles in a recycling bin isn’t much different than throwing them in the garbage, so the transition should be easy for you.

Fill Your Freezer to Get Environmental

Cut back on energy consumption by keeping your freezer stocked. A barren freezer forces the appliance to work harder to keep the space cold. However, if the freezer is filled with frozen items, the food does the cooling. The principle is the same as adding ice to your portable cooler. While you’re at it, purchase Energy Star certified appliances as they are more efficient than other models.

Turn Off the Lights to Go Green

Save on energy by turning off the lights when you don’t need them. Instead, open your blinds and use natural light during the day. However, if you forget to turn off the lights in your living room before you leave for work, don’t panic. Home energy management is simple with home automation systems. The appliance module allows you to turn your lights on and off via smartphone. You can turn off the lights you forgot about while you’re running errands and turn them on as the sun goes down so that you can walk safely to your front door.

Wash a Full Load to Conserve EnergyEnvironmental LED Light Bulbs 2014

Don’t waste water and energy washing a small load in the washing machine or dishwasher. Combine loads or wait until you have more items to wash and choose cold water. This will reduce the amount of water and energy you use every year. Ask others in the house if they need their laundry done and combine yours with theirs.

Program Your Thermostat to Save on Utility Bills

Programmable thermostats allow you to preset the temperature of your home. Design the system so that the temperature decreases during the times you’re usually not at home (during work) or while you’re asleep. Turn it up again while you’re there. Avoid overriding these settings, as this will negate your savings by having a setting in the first place. Keep your home a few degrees colder in the winter and warmer in the summer to cut energy consumption.

Carpool to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

If you live in an area where basic errands require a car, team up with another driver. Carpools don’t just have to be for work or your kids’ soccer practice; they can be used to go grocery shopping and doing other errands as well. Talk to a neighbor to see if they’d be interested. However, if you can avoid driving altogether, do so. Purchase a rolling grocery cart and walk to the store, take your bike to work or stroll to the bank. This article is brought to you by Protect America – the leading distributor of state-of-the-art GE Wireless Home Security Systems. Protect America protects homes across the U.S. from intrusion, theft, fire, flooding, medical emergencies and more with 24/7 Cellular, Broadband and Land line Monitoring and cutting edge technology. SUMMARY Make small changes to your habits to conserve energy.

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